Jeg jobber også med nye design, ikke alle nyhetene rakk frem til messa, men sånn er det nå engang. Akkurat for øyeblikket jobber jeg med et sett PinUp jenter. Siden jeg ikke er så god på kropp måtte jeg få litt hjelp. Calvin Innes, en skikkelig talentfull kar forresten, har hjulpet med med design på et par av disse flotte damene.
Her kan du se Layla, er ikke hun flott å se på?
I have been really bussy around the upcomming stamps and scrapbookfair.
2000 Cling mounted stamps and 500 unmounted sheets has arrived. They need to be sortet and counted. Mostly restocking, but some new designs also. You can see them all in the shop.
I am also working on new designs. Right now I am working on a set of PinUps. The human body just doesent come easy to me, so I had to get some help.
Calvin Innes, a very talented artist by the way, helped me out on a couple of these lovely ladies ;)
Here you see Layla, isnt she beautifull?