I am sorry to say that Lene are leaving our DT. She has done some wonderfull work and been a exelent DT member for us. I am sure we will see much more of Lene in the future also. Thanks Lene ;)
This means that we are one short.......so.......
Do you want to be a DT for Scrapmagasinet? Send me a mail and tell me a little of your self and show me some of your work. You will be working with whatever stamps that I designs. You need to make at least 4 creations every month and take part in our DT blog and challenges.
I really dont have any ending for this DT call, but I will let you know when I find the one I feel is right for us ;)
I cant wait to hear from you!
31. January
Good morning all!
I have finnished up two more small sheets. Cute babyes #1 and #2
Both of them are 4x6 inch. I just love the smaller sheets, them make me work "smaller" than I use to. You can find them in the shop in the section for " Preorders"
Ships mid March.
Have a great day!
I have finnished up two more small sheets. Cute babyes #1 and #2
Both of them are 4x6 inch. I just love the smaller sheets, them make me work "smaller" than I use to. You can find them in the shop in the section for " Preorders"
Ships mid March.

New designs!
New designs

216 Dance and 224 Chicks You can find them under "Preorderoffers" in the shop. These two also 15% off during preorder ;) Many of the stamps in two sizes for both small and large masterpieces ;)
The girl with the green dress in 224 is actually a stamper and scrapbooker by the nick "ruskesara", she loves the monocromatic colors and are always dressed up for party in case the redwine takes over when she attend a stampmeeting. She always carries her ribbon bag with her also, works perfect as a purse.
New designs

I have som news! 222 Jungle Feever.
12 beautifull stamps with a jungle theme in a 6x9inch sheet. As you can see, the monkeys fits anywhere ;) You can find it in the shop under preorder, you even get 15% off! Ready to ship mid March.
And the best part...I will be back with some more news later this week ;)
Have a great day!
I am working on some new design. 222 Junglefeever ;) I am not sure when I will have this redy yet, but I will let you know when its time to stop by the shop.
For now I can show you the two monkeys in the sheet ;) What you see in the image is actually 4 stamps, a branch, 2xmonkey and a coconut. I just love doing these cind of drawings.

Enjoy the day!
For now I can show you the two monkeys in the sheet ;) What you see in the image is actually 4 stamps, a branch, 2xmonkey and a coconut. I just love doing these cind of drawings.

Enjoy the day!
Nytt år og nye muligheter

2009 har også allerede bydd på utfordringer, det er så mye jeg vil og såååååå liten tid ...... iiiiik
Jeg har utvidet horisonten noe, og kan presentere Scrapmagasinets aller første Kina vare, nemmelig vår egen Krilla Rocks som myke PVC charms for liming. Fler er allerede under planlegging ;)
Året som kommer vil også få mye nye stempler fra Scrapmagasinet. Kansje ikke så ofte som før, men litt mer jevnt fordelt utover året. Du må nesten bare følge med når jeg poster at nyheter er underveis ;)
Som kjent for mange står Scrapmagasinet sammen med Camilla for Scraporamamessen. Det krever endel planlegging og tar følgelig tid. Vi gjør vårt aller beste for at denne messen skal bli et vellykket arrangement. Ta en kikk innom Scraporamabloggen for oppdatering over deltagende butikker. Billetter til Stortreffet kan kjøpes hos Scrapmagasinet.
Litt nytt har kommet i butikken også. Følg med i kategorien for Charms, Findings og Poppits
Jeg ser frem i mot ett nytt år videre og forhåpentligvis mange etter dette.
Tusen takk til dere alle!
**I am sorry that my blogupdate only came out in norwegian tonight, I will try to get it translated in to english tomorrow**
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