But dont worry we will still be making red rubberstamps and personal stamps, its just that the hours are to short and the ideas are to may;)
Check out our digitale sets in the shop. NOK 63,- pr set.
You might want to grab one or two of these sets to enter our Readers Challenge #12. Hop on over to our BLOG.
Do you want to sell Scrapmagasinets stamps in your shop? Contact us today!

3 kommentarer:
Hi Lisbet,
is there any chance that my furriest friends will be on rubber in the future? I love the images but am not a digital "stamper" :-)
Have a nice day!
Inge xOx
Hi Inge.
Yes, that is possible;)
Once summer is over I will get back to rubbermaking again.
Thanks for asking :)
Awesome news Lisbet!!! Thanks for taking the time answering my question:-D
Have a wonderful summer,
Inge xOx
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