Check out what Laura did with our owls. Arent they just the cutest. I looove the pink one.
Nicole sendt me this link the other day. Maxit looks great with his new patterned pants.

Denne helgen har jeg vært på Megasupertforumtreff på Stange. Jeg har faktsk fått laget to kort, og nesten ferdig med et tredje....wohoo...det var lenge siden. Snurrekort og popup har stått på menyen. Snurrekortene leste jeg om for en stund siden og PopUp var det min egen DT Heather som inspirerte meg til.
Mitt snurre/popup kort er laget med sauer, gjerde og halmballe. Skyene er håndtegnet og fått en stripe DiamondGlaze på seg ;)
This weekend I went to a stamp/scrapbook convention. I managed to make two cards, and started the third one. Wohooo!!! Spinnercards and Pup-Up was on my meny.
New Blog Candy
Her er to undommer jeg har jobbet med, men de er navnløse forløpig. Jeg trener hjelp til å finne navn. Bare legg igjen en kommentar med navnene du synes passer
og link tilbake til bloggen min for at alle skal se vi har mer Blog Candy gående her hos Scrapmagasinet.
Gevinsten denne gangen er selvfølgelig et stempel med disse to. Platen dette stempelet hører til er ikke ferdig produsert, så det kan hende du må vente litt før premien er på plass ;)
I have created these two kids....but they do not have a name yet. Help me find names for them. Just make a comment and link back to my blog from yours, so all can see there is more Blog Candy going on here at Scrapmagasinet.
The price this time is of course a stamp of these two. However the sheet where this stamp belong is not done yet, so you might have to wait a while befor they land in your mailbox.
Now I am off to make som personal stamps, and some work for an islandic friend of mine.
Until next time!

Gevinsten denne gangen er selvfølgelig et stempel med disse to. Platen dette stempelet hører til er ikke ferdig produsert, så det kan hende du må vente litt før premien er på plass ;)
I have created these two kids....but they do not have a name yet. Help me find names for them. Just make a comment and link back to my blog from yours, so all can see there is more Blog Candy going on here at Scrapmagasinet.
The price this time is of course a stamp of these two. However the sheet where this stamp belong is not done yet, so you might have to wait a while befor they land in your mailbox.
Now I am off to make som personal stamps, and some work for an islandic friend of mine.
Until next time!
We have a winner for the latest Blog Candy

Take a look at her blog here
Please send me an email with your adress , in order for me to send you the price ;)
To the left you can see how well the sheeps go together with other stamps in both Rakle and Stampville collection ;)
Ready for some more blogcandy?

Denne uken har vært kjempetravel, jeg prøver å nøste alle mine løse ender på jobben før jeg forlater den. Hater nemmelig å ta igjen dritten fra andre selv. Mye lettere denne veien ;) Bare en uke igjen. Så starter jeg å flytte esker og hyller til min nye lokasjon. Det er en hel masse å flytte, så ønsk meg lykke til ;)
Ok, tilbake til Blog Candy.
Jeg vil gjerne vite hvor ofte du faktisk tar frem stemplene dine og bruker dem.
Lag en link til min blogg for at alle skal se vi har Blog Candy på gang. Premien kan komme til nytte i forbindelse med den nye DT bloggen. Jeg vet Nicole og Heather har en hel del moro planlagt der ;)
Premien denne gangen er en av de helt nye stemplene, Sau 1,2 og 3.
De passer perfekt sammen med "Fareskilt" og "Gjerde"
Du kan svare frem til imorgen Søndag kl 18.00
This week has been really bussy. I am trying to round up all loose ends at my job befor I leave it. Only one week to go ;) Then I will start moving my shelves and storageboxes to a new location that from mid July will be my new workplace.
Wish me luck, I have a hole lot to move..hihi
Ok, back to blogcandy.
I just want to know how often you pull out you stamps and actually use them.
Please link bak to my blog for all to see we have a Blog Candy going on. This price may come in handy, now that we have opened up our new DT blog. Soon it will be some action in there.
The price for todays Blog Candy just came in today ;) The three sheeps.
They go perfect with "Fareskilt" and "Gjerde"
You can leave a comment until tomorrow Sunday at 18.00 norwegian time.
Great news for foreign retailers
Better options for foreign retailers**** lower prices and shipping.
Do you want to sell Scrapmagasinets stamps in your shop?
I am currently working on a new and better way to get the stamps to your door and not have to spend all that money on extra shipping and extra taxes. I belive I will have it done by this weekend, just drop me a line and I will tell you how as soon as my calculations are done ;)
Until next time ;)
Do you want to sell Scrapmagasinets stamps in your shop?
I am currently working on a new and better way to get the stamps to your door and not have to spend all that money on extra shipping and extra taxes. I belive I will have it done by this weekend, just drop me a line and I will tell you how as soon as my calculations are done ;)
Until next time ;)
More exiting news

Now that I have dicided to "go stamps" full time. I am in need of some other stamps in my store other than my own designs ;) Yesterday I found Third Coast Stamps. So many beautifill stamps. It was hard to pick only a few ;)
I did manage to choose 18 fabulous design ;) These new designs will get company of a new unmounted sheet as well, the new sheet goes very well with Brickwall from Rakle Collection. To all foreign customer....I am sorry, this sheet is mostly in norwegian ;) All the stamps soon to be found in the shop.
If you design and sell stamps and need a foreign retailer. Just let me know, I might be the one you are looking for ;) Same for designers of artwork, you think your artwork will look good as stamps? Let me know, you might just be the one I am looking for;)
Blog Candy June3 is picked.
My daugter pulled the winner out of the hat.
Congratulations Aud
Please send me an e-mail with your adress ;)
Check out Auds blog
She also have a stampline of her own. Very cute sentiments and motives. I have som of them ;)
Here you can see her DT in action and order stampsheets.
Congratulations Aud
Please send me an e-mail with your adress ;)
Check out Auds blog
She also have a stampline of her own. Very cute sentiments and motives. I have som of them ;)
Here you can see her DT in action and order stampsheets.
Blog Candy June 3
Jeg antar sultanen vi lette etter i hangmann spillet ikke er utkledd som nisse på besøk hos noen av dere dette året....haha Den stakkars mannen ble jo hengt. Vel det var godt det kun var et spill, for en av dere vinner Studenten uansett. I morgen får June (datteren min) plukke ut et innlegg som vinner premien ;)
Her er forresten svaret ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Og til dere om ikke vant. Ta en tur innom bloggen til DT Nicole for å prøve lykken. Hun har en Blog Candy med oppstemplede motiver fra Rakle Collection. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å nevne din favoritt fra butikken :) Kan være greit med noen løse motiver om du ikke har egne stempler i denne serien....for om ikke så lenge braker det nemmelig løs i den nye DTbloggen
The poore man got hunged. I guess santa is not comming to any of you this year.....haha. Well its only a game. Tomorrow I will let my daughter pick a winner that will receive The Studenthome. And if its not you, you still have a chance over at Nicoles blog. She is giving away images from Rakle Collection. All you have to do is naming your favourite stamp from our shop;) It may come in handy...soon the new DT blog will open.
Oh by the way, here is the answer of the Hangman game ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Her er forresten svaret ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Og til dere om ikke vant. Ta en tur innom bloggen til DT Nicole for å prøve lykken. Hun har en Blog Candy med oppstemplede motiver fra Rakle Collection. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å nevne din favoritt fra butikken :) Kan være greit med noen løse motiver om du ikke har egne stempler i denne serien....for om ikke så lenge braker det nemmelig løs i den nye DTbloggen
The poore man got hunged. I guess santa is not comming to any of you this year.....haha. Well its only a game. Tomorrow I will let my daughter pick a winner that will receive The Studenthome. And if its not you, you still have a chance over at Nicoles blog. She is giving away images from Rakle Collection. All you have to do is naming your favourite stamp from our shop;) It may come in handy...soon the new DT blog will open.
Oh by the way, here is the answer of the Hangman game ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
News in the shop

Rakle Hanging Out, Krilla Rocks and Maxit Biker now in the shop for preorderoffer. Will be ready to ship late July I think ;) You will also find Bricks, Scooter and helmet, and two more houses in the Stampvillecollection ;) The Church and The Barn
You can fint the latest news here
And some updates on the hangman game ;) Some of the missing letters have been used already, maybe you should look back.....I told you I only added one letter a time:)
Have a great day all!
ENDED Blog Candy June3

Bokstaver som har gått og ikke er med /Letters that have been used and not in game
And now the third and last Blog Candy for this week ;)
And this is what you can win........
The studenthome, wich is located in Stampville. This cozy treehouse measure 4,8 inch high.
E,M, R ,T,F,K,U,Q,D,C,P,V
Og nå siste Blog Candy for denne uken. Vi spiller hangman.
Du kan svare så mange ganger du vil, MEN det skal kun være en bokstav pr. svar og det må være MINST 4 innlegg før du kan svare på nytt.
Denne Blog Candyen går til vi får inn alle bokstavene, eller mannen henger, jeg oppdaterer en og en bokstav selv om ordene kan inneholde fler like. Vi skal frem til navnet på en Sultan.
Jeg stikker innom å oppdaterer ca hver 3-4 time.
For å vinne premien må du linke tilbake til min blog fra din. Pass på at linken er der om du ikke vil at nestemann med rett bokstav stikker av med premien.
Om den stakkars mannen faktisk blir hengt vil jeg trekke en vinner fra innleggene ;)
And now the third and last Blog Candy for this week ;)
How about som hangman?
This is how I thougt we could can answer as many times as you like....however....VERY IMPORTANT.... it MUST be at least 4 comments before you can make a new one. And you are allowed only one letter in each comment. I will only fill in one letter at the time.
We are looking for a Sultans name.
This Blug Candy will keep going until someones get the last letter right, or the man gets hanged. I will check back once each three or four hours to update the hangman. In order to get the price you need to link back to my blog from yours, be sure to do that unless you want the next one in line with the right letter to get the price ;)
This Blug Candy will keep going until someones get the last letter right, or the man gets hanged. I will check back once each three or four hours to update the hangman. In order to get the price you need to link back to my blog from yours, be sure to do that unless you want the next one in line with the right letter to get the price ;)
In case of the poore man actually gets hanged, I will pick a winner from all the comments ;)
And this is what you can win........
The studenthome, wich is located in Stampville. This cozy treehouse measure 4,8 inch high.
Hope you will join in. Be sure to check back to see if you are the winner.
Untill next time.
The winner for Blog Candy June2
My daughter pullet another number out of the hat, and winner for today are
Congratulations Linda
Hop on over an check her blog out.
Linda, you ned to email me your adress ;)
And to all that didn win today, please check back for more Blog Candy. June is filled with it ;)
Congratulations Linda
Hop on over an check her blog out.
Linda, you ned to email me your adress ;)
And to all that didn win today, please check back for more Blog Candy. June is filled with it ;)

ENDED! Blog Candy June2
Klar for dagens Candy?
Om du er, vil jeg gjerne vite hva du foretrekker i stempler, montert, umontert eller umontert med EZ.
Husk sjekke innom senere for å se om du er vinneren.
La alle dine Bloglesere vite at det Blog Candy på gang hos Scrapmagasinet, vi har fortsatt mange igjen før bursdagsfeiringen er over.
Du har til fredag 06-06-08 18.00
Are you ready for todays Blog Candy?
If you are, I really want to know what you prefer in stamps......mounted, unmounted or unmounted with EZ.
Please check back tomorrow to see if you are the winner ;)
And let you blogreaders know there is BlogCandy going on here at Scrapmagasinet, we still have many to go before the one month long celebration is over.
You have until Friday 06-06-08 18.00 norwegian time ;)
This is what you can win today. 3 x Lucy the monster. She is about 2 inches tall and comes unmounted, red rubber only. She is the sweetest monster in the world ;) 

Blog Candy for June1 is picked
The first Blog Candy in June is over.
My daughter picked a winner by pulling a number out of the hat ;)
So Krilla is for sure gonna get a new home. She is all wrapped up ready to travel.
Congratulations to Patsy, check out her blog. I just loved her use of colors, I am sure Krilla will get a lots of fun there.
Patsy!! You need to send me an e-mail with your adress
And to all of you that didnt win today.
I will have Blog Candy ready three days a week in all of June. I`ve had my small craftstore for 10 years this June, of course we need to celebrate.
Next Candy up for grab tomorrow (thursday) about 18.00 norwegian time
My daughter picked a winner by pulling a number out of the hat ;)
So Krilla is for sure gonna get a new home. She is all wrapped up ready to travel.
Congratulations to Patsy, check out her blog. I just loved her use of colors, I am sure Krilla will get a lots of fun there.
Patsy!! You need to send me an e-mail with your adress
And to all of you that didnt win today.
I will have Blog Candy ready three days a week in all of June. I`ve had my small craftstore for 10 years this June, of course we need to celebrate.
Next Candy up for grab tomorrow (thursday) about 18.00 norwegian time

ENDED;) BlogCandy
Wohooo, Candy-time
Alt du trenger å gjøre er å linke til meg fra din blog og fortelle meg din favorittfarge. Ditt svar må inneholde fargen din og en link til bloggen din. Du har til klokka 18.00 onsdag 4/6. Rett over annonserer jeg en vinner og legger ut en ny BlogCandy. Og vil du vite hva du kan vinne, så ser du henne nederst i posten. Krilla og Krilla Bak trenger et nytt hjem. Hun kommer umontert på EZ klar til bruk.
All you need to do today is to link to my blog from yours and tell me your favourite color.
Your answer needs to have both the color and the link to your blog in it.
You have until wednesday 6/4 18.00 norwegian time. You can see my clock in top left corner, right abowe me ;) I will then shortly after post the winners and a new BlogCandy giveaway
You want to know what you can win? Of course you do..... 

Open your home to Krilla and Krilla Bak. Krilla measures 4,5 inch high ;)
She comes unmounted with EZ ready for use.
I am so sorry.
I experienced some trouble with my blog/computer last night.....thats why I wasnt here to give away BlogCandy. Again I am so sorry ;)
I will be back later tonight (right now I am at work) ready to give away some of that candy ;)
I will be back later tonight (right now I am at work) ready to give away some of that candy ;)
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