Newsletter December 08
Jule og nyttårssalg!!
Husk også julekalenderen vår. Alle med ordre over 75,- kan legge dagens gratis stempel i handlekurven, du må bare finne det først ;) pst!............ta en kikk i menyen til høyre.
Pass på å stoppe innom vår DTblog. DT har lagt ut sin Readers Challenge#5. Flotte premier å vinne.
Our Christmassale has started here at Scrapmagasinet. We are working on news for 2009 and need the space!! First out is Rakle and Stampville. You get 40% off normal price.
Also remember to get the free calendarstamps. Our free stamp is good for all orders over 75,-NOK, you just need to find it and put in your basket. Everyday from December 1. to December 24. you will find a new free stamp in the shop.
We only have so much in stock. So if you cant find it, it is sold out. Please try again tomorrow ;)
Hop on over to our DTblog. DT has posted their Readers Challenge#5. Nice prizes to win
Det er dessverre tomt på lager for platen, men fortvil ikke den er rebestilt og ventet inn i midten av november.
Jeg har åpnet for forhåndsbestilling for forsendelse to. Du finner platen her Og om du ikke gidder å vente er det fortsatt mulig å kjøpe endel av de løse stemplene. Et enkelt søk på platenummer 210 gir deg disse stemplene ;)
For you to enjoy!
Så da tenkte jeg kansje at noen av dere hadde bruk for "Gnom". Bruk enten sorthvitt bildene eller de ferdige fargelagt om du vil.
Høyreklikk og lagre som....til egen PC og print ut i ønsket størrelse.
Sometimes I make drawings that never ends up as stamps at once, maybe never. Here you have "Gnom" will look great on a chistmas or a wintercard. So does the fallen birdhouse as well.
I thougt that maybe some of you wold enjoy coloring Gnom. Or just use the colored versions if you like ;)
Rightclick and save as......to your own computer and print out in whatever size you like.
Treklosser: Etter endel forespørsler om montering av stempler har jeg også fått inn treklosser i to størrelser. Bredde 2,5 cm og bredde 5,7cm. Maks lengde 45cm. Disse legges i nettbutikken i løpet av uka og prises pr cm. Her vil det være mulig å bestille bredder helt opp til 15,2cm for senere levering. Følg med i fanen for stempeltilbehør.
Personlige stempler: Her har jeg hatt noe forsinkelser, men nå skal det være noenlunde på rett vei igjen;)
Check out Nicoles BoxyBag
Post i dette innlegget og vis frem din egen BoxyBag. Jeg trekker en vinner som vil få tilsent det samme snømann stemplet som Nicole har brukt. Du har til den 15. November for å kunne delta i trekningen.
Veiledning til BoxyBagen finner du her.
Hop on over to our DT Blog to check it out. Isnt this just great! Perfect for a little treat.
Post a comment and show me your BoxyBag. I will random pick one winner to receive the same snowmanstamp Nicole have used ;) You have untill November 15. to complete in order to be in the drawing.
You can get the directions here.
Have fun!!
Restebord med knallpriser på endel saker til generell hobbybruk.
På standen finner du meg, Lisbet og datteren min June ;)
Her kan du lese litt om messen ;)
Og om du ikke finner frem kan disse beskrivelsene hjelpe deg på vei ;)
Velkommen Velkommen.
Gode nyheter / Great news
Om du vil spare 10% på disse stemplene stikker du innom butikken og sjekker ut Preorders.
I just got a mail from my manufacturer that 210 Rakle Vinter and 215 DD Vinter will ship tomorrow. Hopefully the norwegian custom will process our packages fast this time ;)
If you want to save 10% on these two sheets, just stop by the store and check out the Preorders.
God morgen

Til baksiden av kortene er det kommet to nye personlige stempler, med blomster denne gangen. De du ser under måler ferdig 4x4cm men kan produserer både mindre og større, alt etter ønske. Du kan selvfølgelig få akkurat den teksten du ønsker, så de personlige stemplene blir like fine til adressestempel som til signaturstempel. Alle personlige stempler kan lages på alle språk, og husk at personlige stempler også kan lages av foto. En ide med julebildene til julekortene kansje?


Det er også en plate under produksjon som Scrapparguri står for. En superflott fotoplate med matchende klokker. Ventet inn i midten av November.

Lyst å lage egne stempler? Kontakt meg, kansje jeg kan hjelpe.
New stamps in the shop
Jeg jobber også med en "Hvordan gjør jeg?" for de som trenger en innføring i bruk av umonterte stempler.
Check out the new Preorderoffers! My manufacturer told me they probably would be ready to ship in 3-4 weeks ;) Sold as whole sheets or single stamps, rubber only.


Enjoy ;)
Nytt DT medlem
Gå å sjekk Wenches blog
Say hi to our newest DT member, Wenche. A colorfull lady from the north of Norway. I am sure she will do her part to make our DT even better. I am looking forward to working with her.
Welcome on board!!
Go check out Wenches blog
Mal med distress/Paint with distress Ink
Do you struggle with painting your stamped motives? Check out Lenes blog. She has made a tutorial, "How to paint with distress ink".
Reader Challenge #3
Om du ikke har Scrapmagasinet stempler, stikk innom butikken.
DT`s Reader Challenge #3 is now to be found in our DT blog. The DT has made some great "no-card" projects. Hop on over and take part in this challenge. Great prizes to win ;)
If you dont have any Scrapmagasinets stamps, well you can visit our shop.
God morgen
Nå finner du Nisseplaten i butikken. Både som hel plate og enkle stempler. Den ligger i preordrekategorien. Den er ventet inn sammen med de andre vinterplatene allerede denne uken, så skynd deg inn for å plukke med deg tilbudet på den ;)
Jeg har i helga laget en kategori for pregetenger. Disse tengene leveres komplett med personlig pregestempel. Flott til monogram for bryllup, konfirmasjon, firmalogo eller personlige håndlaget av. Kommer i to utførelser, Standar og Kraft.
Fler enkle UM stempler er også lagt inn i butikken. Du finner de alle her om du velger fanen for "Nye produkter" Har også lagt inn EZ i 1/4 bit. Vet jo at mange egentlig ikke stempler, men alikevel kjøper et stempel eller to. Vel, her er løsningen på EZ problemet om du ikke vil sitte med en hel plate som aldri blir brukt ;)
Gode nyheter til alle fohandlere. Jeg holder også med på å sette opp en flott ny butikk bare til dere. Her vil det gi rom mer fleksible løsninger. Følg med følg med!
Husk å stoppe innom DT bloggen, damene der gjør en fantastisk god jobb. DT holder to Challenges hver mnd. Readers Challenge og en DT Challenge, kast deg med på en av de eller begge om du vil!
Long time no see


Buy 5 Pay for 4
Frem mot Jul kjører vi "Kjøp 5 betal for 4" i single umonterte stempler, det rimligste spanderer vi. For å løse dette lettest i forhold til betaling og ordreflyt kan det gjøres på 2 måter. Tilbudet gjelder alle single umonterte stempler inkludert Rakle og Stampville. Kan ikke kombineres med andre tilbud eller spesialer, gjelder kun for privatkunder.
1: Legg stemplene du vil ha i handlekurven Skriv "Kjøp5" i kommentarfeltet, ordren behandles manuelt og du får tilsendt rettet faktura på mail.
2: Du ser selv hvem stempel som kommer billigst ut, da skriver du "Kjøp5 + stempelnummer" i kommentarfeltet. Dette valget gjør at du kan betale med kort som vanlig. Da skal du altså ikke legge stempelet i kurven.
"Buy 5 pay for 4" in single unmounted stamps. The cheapest one is on the house ;) You have two options for how to order the stamps. Can not be used with other special offers, not for wholesalebuyers.
1: Add stamps of your choice in the basket write "Buy5" in the comments field, the order is processed manually and you'll be sent a corrected invoice by e-mail.
2: If you know wich stamp is the cheaper one, you can write "buy5 + stampnumber" in the comment filed. This option makes you able to pay instant using Visa throu PayPal as usual. Remember do not add the stamp in you basket.
Takker og bukker
Både Anneth og jeg (Lisbet) koste oss veldig, og vi fikk snakket en hel masse om stempler, EZ og design.
Ikke helt umulig at vi ses neste år også ;)
Reader Challenge #2
Its time for our Reader Challenge #2 over at the DTblog. You will also find some beautifull vards made by our DT. A great prize is waiting for you. You get to pick your own stamps in the store!!
New designs
New design, you`ll fint under Preordre in the shop. Great for christmas and winter. You can get them as whole sheets or single stamps.



Gode nyheter idag / Good news today
Gode nyheter idag ;) Nå kan utsendelse av de aller nyeste stemplen straks settes i gang. Pakkene mine er i tollen, men så fort de kommer ut starter jeg pakkingen ;)
Stemplene kommer pakket med kartong frontpapir, som er perfekt å laminere og oppbevare stemplene på ;)
Good Morning!!
Good news today ;) Hopefulle I will be able to ship out all the orders that are waiting for the new sheets this week. Our packages are in norwegian custom, as soon as they are released we will start packing ;)
All sheets are in a zipbag with a cardstock frontpaper, wich is perfect to laminate and use as storage for your stamps ;)
202 Baderom
203 Bryllup Donna Design
205 Ferie og Fritid Donna Design
206 Circle-it ISLAND
2# DT Sketch Challenge
Super jobb Lene!!
Husk å stoppe innom DT bloggen for vår andre DT Skisse utfordring. Heather har som vanlig laget en super skisse du kan prøve deg på. Om du ikke føler for å løse skissen kan du jo kikke innom på de nye flotte kortene som er lagt inn av vårt superdupre DT. Disse damene er bare helt best!!
Just look at the cute boxDT Lene has made. Isnt this a great idea? Perfect for storing Clingcards with stamps on them.
Great job Lene!!
Remember to stop by our DT blog for the 2# DT Sketch Challenge. Heather has as usual a great sketch for you to try. If you dont feel like doing the sketch you can just check out some new really pretty cards our DT made ;) These girls are just the best!
Long time no see ;)

Vel, jeg har det travelt ;) Vinter ligger på tegnebrettet mitt nå om dagen. 3 plater er klare og sendt til produsent. Vil du ta en kikk kansje? Her er noen av de!
Av og til får jeg awards, takk til dere alle! Dessverre har jeg ikke tid til å gjøre noe mer med de enn å kikke innom ;) Jeg lagrer de i hjertet og tenker på dere! Tusen takk.
Fortell din lokale stempelbutikk om oss. Vi sender gjerne info om våre stempler.
Well I have been buzzy ;) Winter is on my drawingboard these days. 3 sheets are already done and sendt to my manufacturer ;) Want to see some peeks? Here you go!
Tell you local stampstore about us! We will be more than happy to send some info on our stamps.
Now and then I get awards, thank you all! You guys are the best! However I just dont have the time do deal with them right now ;) I have a thight schedule to follow, so I just save them in my heart. Thanks!!
New stuff I am working on

Bare send meg en mail, så får du info om hva som trengs og priser ;) post@scrapmagasinet.no
Do you want to make a rubberstampssheet, but not wanting to have to deal with the whole prosess doing it. I can help;) I have been making stamps for several years and have a good experience in just that.....where and how to ;) All sheets are deeply etched and in the best quality.
There are some small guidlines to follow. I will let you know all about them when you send me an email;)
Check out these pages
Og her kan du se Stines site kort. Hun har brukt premien hun vant for navnkonkurransen vi hadde for en stund siden her på bloggen. Stempler fra Back to Shool platen
Have you seen the card Majer made when she won our first Readers Challenge. Isn this just the most beautiful card you have ever seen. Just look at the details!
And here you can see Stines latest cards. She used her prize that she won in the namecontest we had some time ago here at Scrapmagasinets Blog. Stamps from Back to school.
Enjoy ;)
Untill next time
Live og Lars har endelig fått sine navn!!
Gratulerer Stine. Live og Lars har endelig fått sine navn!! Disse to finner du på platen som heter Back to school
Ta en kikk i Stine sin blogg, en skikkelig bli glad blog.
Stine, kan du sende meg adressen din.
Congratulations Stine. You had the two names my daughter picked out for the two teenagers in the Back to Shool rubbersheet.
Check out Stines blog here.
Stopping by
I år blir jeg å finne på den Nordiske Stempel og Scrapbookmessen i Gøteborg 6-7 September. I den forbindelse har jeg laget en egen kateori som heter "MESSETILBUD" Her legger jeg noen messetilbud slik at alle kan ta en del i de ;)
Akkurat nå: Lag din egen Grab Bag. 10 eller 20 Rakle/Stampville stempler. UM trimmet uten EZ.
Ordren må være inne innen den 20. August, sendes i slutten av August.
Just home to do some laundry and some personal stampdesigns ;)
I am going to the Nordic Stamp and Scrapbookfair this fall. September 6-7
The fair is in Goteborg Sweden.
I have made a categori in the shop called "MESSETILBUD" I will put some special offers I am going to have at the fair in here. So that you all can take part in it. All orders from USA will dropship directly from manufacturer, wich are located in USA.
Curent offer: Make your own Grab Bag. 10 or 20 Rakle/Stampville stamps. UM trimmed no cling.
You will get the stamps in a bag with either a Gift Bag top or a Grab Bag top, just let me know wich one you want. This is what you should do. Check out as usual. Download the Exelform, fill out wich stamps you like to receive and send it to me in an email ;)
I have both bagtops both in Nowegian and English ;)
You have to get the order in by August 20.
Konkurranse Juli / Contest July
Nettbutikken er elvfølgelig åpen som vanlig, men ingen ordre blir sendt mens vi er borte. Jeg har kun begrenset nettilgang. Så om du ikke får svar med en gang kommer jeg tilbake til deg når vår lille utenlandsreise er over. Svenskekysten står for tur ;)
Og mens venter på at jeg skal komme hjem kan du jo prøve deg på konkurransen som DT har postet. Flotte premier!
I am going away for a few days. The shop is open as usual, but no orders will be shipped while we are gone. I will get back to you as soon as we return from Sweden ;)
And while you are waiting for me to return, you can give the DT contest a try. Great prizes! http://www.scrapmag.blogspot.com/
Nyheter i butikken /news in the shop




202 Baderom
Today is also the last day for preorderoffer on the latest stamps in Rakle collection. Rakle Hanging out, Maxit Biker, Krilla Rocks, Murstein, Kirken og Låven.
Some "How others have done it"
I just want to direct you to a absolutely stunning card made by Majer. She used a sketch made by Heather for our DT Challenge. You find Majers card here.
And here is the sketch she used.
Heather er konkurransesjefen vår og har kommet opp med en superflott skisse til vår månedlige DT utfordring. Bruk gjerne skissen som inspirasjon og vis oss hva du har laget. Om du heller ønsker en annen skisse kan du delta i skissekonkurransen på Heather sin blog. Med Rakle som gevinst.
Wow, take a look in our DT blog and check out the lates cards from our talented DT. They are all so creative and everything they touch turns to gold. I am of course neutral in this matter ;)
Heather is our challenge leader and have made a super sketch for our once a month DTchallenge. Feel free to use the sketch and show us what you made. If you rather want to try out a different sketch, just go to Heathers blog. She has a challenge going on there as well. You could be the winner of a Raklestamp.
Dropship directly from an US manufacturer. Saves you $, both on shipping and taxes :)
Choose one of two packingoptions or both if you wish

UM diecut rubber only in a retailbag. This bag also contains a cardstock with the image in fullsize and color.
Rakle Collection are pretty large stamps. Rakle measures 5 inch high.
Contact me for a wholesale pricelist.
25% på alle umonterte stempelplater, gjelder ikke preordertilbud. Om ikke så lenge skal lageret flyttes til nye lokaler, for å ha mindre å flytte, ja så kommer det deg til gode. Jeg tar forbehold om utsolgte varer som alikevel står listet i nettbutikken. Ved bestilling av en vare som er utsolgt får du beskjed rask og kan velge på om du vil han pengene tilbake eller en annen plate.
Happy shopping ;)
Challenge alert!!
Ny plate / new stampsheet

Nametag, Janne, Mina, Backpack og Books#2
From lower left corner
Some "How others have done it"


New Blog Candy

Gevinsten denne gangen er selvfølgelig et stempel med disse to. Platen dette stempelet hører til er ikke ferdig produsert, så det kan hende du må vente litt før premien er på plass ;)
I have created these two kids....but they do not have a name yet. Help me find names for them. Just make a comment and link back to my blog from yours, so all can see there is more Blog Candy going on here at Scrapmagasinet.
The price this time is of course a stamp of these two. However the sheet where this stamp belong is not done yet, so you might have to wait a while befor they land in your mailbox.
Now I am off to make som personal stamps, and some work for an islandic friend of mine.
Until next time!
We have a winner for the latest Blog Candy

Ready for some more blogcandy?

Denne uken har vært kjempetravel, jeg prøver å nøste alle mine løse ender på jobben før jeg forlater den. Hater nemmelig å ta igjen dritten fra andre selv. Mye lettere denne veien ;) Bare en uke igjen. Så starter jeg å flytte esker og hyller til min nye lokasjon. Det er en hel masse å flytte, så ønsk meg lykke til ;)
Ok, tilbake til Blog Candy.
Jeg vil gjerne vite hvor ofte du faktisk tar frem stemplene dine og bruker dem.
Lag en link til min blogg for at alle skal se vi har Blog Candy på gang. Premien kan komme til nytte i forbindelse med den nye DT bloggen. Jeg vet Nicole og Heather har en hel del moro planlagt der ;)
Premien denne gangen er en av de helt nye stemplene, Sau 1,2 og 3.
De passer perfekt sammen med "Fareskilt" og "Gjerde"
Du kan svare frem til imorgen Søndag kl 18.00
This week has been really bussy. I am trying to round up all loose ends at my job befor I leave it. Only one week to go ;) Then I will start moving my shelves and storageboxes to a new location that from mid July will be my new workplace.
Wish me luck, I have a hole lot to move..hihi
Ok, back to blogcandy.
I just want to know how often you pull out you stamps and actually use them.
Please link bak to my blog for all to see we have a Blog Candy going on. This price may come in handy, now that we have opened up our new DT blog. Soon it will be some action in there.
The price for todays Blog Candy just came in today ;) The three sheeps.
They go perfect with "Fareskilt" and "Gjerde"
You can leave a comment until tomorrow Sunday at 18.00 norwegian time.
Great news for foreign retailers
Do you want to sell Scrapmagasinets stamps in your shop?
I am currently working on a new and better way to get the stamps to your door and not have to spend all that money on extra shipping and extra taxes. I belive I will have it done by this weekend, just drop me a line and I will tell you how as soon as my calculations are done ;)
Until next time ;)
More exiting news



Blog Candy June3 is picked.
Congratulations Aud
Please send me an e-mail with your adress ;)
Check out Auds blog
She also have a stampline of her own. Very cute sentiments and motives. I have som of them ;)
Here you can see her DT in action and order stampsheets.
Blog Candy June 3
Her er forresten svaret ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Og til dere om ikke vant. Ta en tur innom bloggen til DT Nicole for å prøve lykken. Hun har en Blog Candy med oppstemplede motiver fra Rakle Collection. Alt du trenger å gjøre er å nevne din favoritt fra butikken :) Kan være greit med noen løse motiver om du ikke har egne stempler i denne serien....for om ikke så lenge braker det nemmelig løs i den nye DTbloggen
The poore man got hunged. I guess santa is not comming to any of you this year.....haha. Well its only a game. Tomorrow I will let my daughter pick a winner that will receive The Studenthome. And if its not you, you still have a chance over at Nicoles blog. She is giving away images from Rakle Collection. All you have to do is naming your favourite stamp from our shop;) It may come in handy...soon the new DT blog will open.
Oh by the way, here is the answer of the Hangman game ;)
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
News in the shop

Rakle Hanging Out, Krilla Rocks and Maxit Biker now in the shop for preorderoffer. Will be ready to ship late July I think ;) You will also find Bricks, Scooter and helmet, and two more houses in the Stampvillecollection ;) The Church and The Barn
You can fint the latest news here
And some updates on the hangman game ;) Some of the missing letters have been used already, maybe you should look back.....I told you I only added one letter a time:)
Have a great day all!
ENDED Blog Candy June3

And now the third and last Blog Candy for this week ;)
This Blug Candy will keep going until someones get the last letter right, or the man gets hanged. I will check back once each three or four hours to update the hangman. In order to get the price you need to link back to my blog from yours, be sure to do that unless you want the next one in line with the right letter to get the price ;)
And this is what you can win........
The studenthome, wich is located in Stampville. This cozy treehouse measure 4,8 inch high.
Hope you will join in. Be sure to check back to see if you are the winner.
Untill next time.
The winner for Blog Candy June2
Congratulations Linda
Hop on over an check her blog out.
Linda, you ned to email me your adress ;)
And to all that didn win today, please check back for more Blog Candy. June is filled with it ;)

ENDED! Blog Candy June2

Blog Candy for June1 is picked
My daughter picked a winner by pulling a number out of the hat ;)
So Krilla is for sure gonna get a new home. She is all wrapped up ready to travel.
Congratulations to Patsy, check out her blog. I just loved her use of colors, I am sure Krilla will get a lots of fun there.
Patsy!! You need to send me an e-mail with your adress
And to all of you that didnt win today.
I will have Blog Candy ready three days a week in all of June. I`ve had my small craftstore for 10 years this June, of course we need to celebrate.
Next Candy up for grab tomorrow (thursday) about 18.00 norwegian time

ENDED;) BlogCandy


I am so sorry.
I will be back later tonight (right now I am at work) ready to give away some of that candy ;)
New designs
Two new DT members
I decided to have 3 more on the DT. Two of them are ready for action, and the last one...well to be honest I am not sure who to choose. They are all so darn talented!! It will be a girl from Europe, thats for sure ;)
Well a little more about the two that are ready for action. Very talented both of them
Heather She already have used both Rakle and Krilla on many cards. Amazing colorwork, you will just love it. And she really gets the image showing in her cards. Beautifull!!
By the way Heather was my first US customer, thank you Heather;)
Nicole I was just blown away over all the fun things she makes. Really fun stuff and many great ideas. I am really exited to work with her. Nicole will also be in charge of our DTblog, and I think she is planning some action over there already. Thanks for applying for this job Nicole!
Welcome on board girls!

Hva skjer a?
Så Juni er en skikkelig jubileumsmnd, og det er på tide med en fest. Det blir BlogCandy alle mandager, torsdager og lørdager i hele Juni. Hold et øye med bloggen for hvordan du kan få tak i litt av disse godisene!!
I førsten av Mai søkte jeg etter fler DT medlemmer, og mailene datt inn i kassa mi. Jeg har lest så øyet har blitt stort og vått denne gangen også :) De nye DT vil dere få navnene på i neste uke.
Bare gled dere!
In June 2008 is it 10 years since I started my little craft store. I used to go by the name Krumelure Hobby. Just a couple of years ago I changed it to Scrapmagasinet. Now days stampdesign is my thing, and I am very pleased to be able to do what I like.
10 years is a long time, an its about time that we had a party here at the blog. All mondays, thursdays and saturdays in June I will have BlogCandy ready for some lucy winners. Just stop by to see what you need to do in order to get some of the candy shippet to your house!
First in May I had a call out for new DT members. Many mails ended in my mailbox. I have been reading, and reading over again. Next week I will let you know who the new DT members are.
Take care untill next time ;)

Want to be a member of our DT?
Du kan sende e-post helt frem til den 21. mai ;)
Jeg trenger også en som kan holde orden i DTbloggen...her strekker ikke tiden helt til gitt, så om du har muligheter til å samle hordene(de andre i vårt DT) i tilegg til å kreere saker med Scrapmagasinets stempler og gjøre litt aktiviterer, ja da hadde jeg blitt glad ;)
I am currently seeking 2-3 new DT members for Scrapmagasinet.
I do make alot of stamps, some cute and some strange..... If this is someting you like to be a part of , send me an e-mail where you tell me a little more about yourself. I would also love to see your blog or your online gallery.
You have until the 21. of may to send me that e-mail :)
